
JZ Music Bb Bass Clarinet BCNE


The JZ Music Bb Bass Clarinet Model BCNE should be your choice in an affordable, student model instrument. With features like a one-piece, high-density plastic body, nickel keys, and a price tag below $1,500, how can you go wrong?

Standard features include:

  • One-Piece Design
  • High-Density Plastic Body
  • Nickel Keys
  • Nickel Neck and Bell
  • Range To Low Eb
  • Plastic Mouthpiece, Cap and Ligature
  • Wood Frame Case

  • Model: BCNE
    Manufacturer: JZ Music


    In stock
    SKU:  ae00-7607^BCNE
    Weight:  16.70
    Regular Price: $3,540.00
    ODM Price: $2,099.00
    Call to order - 201-385-5800