
Premier Performance Trumpet Book 1 w/ CD

Premier Performance Trumpet Book 1 w/ CD


Premier Performance® is an innovative and comprehensive band method written with one primary goal: providing band directors with the most effective and logically sequenced instructional materials for young instrumentalists. Premier Performance® is carefully structured to develop the three cornerstones of outstanding musicianship: superior tone quality, accurate rhythm reading skills and technical facility. Strong emphasis is placed on rhythmic development since this may be the greatest challenge facing first and second year students.

Premier Performance® Book One and Book Two each include two instrument specific Practice Incentive CDs. Premier Performance® is also now available on SmartMusic®.

Please go to our Downloadable Catalogue page to download a copy of the Program Cards for the Premier Performance CDs.

The BAND DIRECTOR'S RESOURCE MANUAL features outstanding additional material for utilizing Premier Performance®. Twenty-six instrument outlines provide guidance for identifying and addressing commonly encountered problems. Instrument specific page-by-page suggestions for the student method books enhance band director success. Nineteen additional rhythm charts and four music theory pages further emphasize the development of music reading skills. Historical descriptions of the various time periods include suggested listening, composer biographies, interdisciplinary time lines and assessment quizzes. A CD ROM is included for easy reproduction of student mat
Catalog: 9781930292093
Publisher: Sueta
Composer: Ed Sueta

Ed Sueta 0

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SKU:  ae00-4440^9781930292093
Weight:  0.00
ODM Price: $9.95